Thursday, June 06, 2024

New Release - Liquid Studio v20.7.10

Announcing Liquid Studio v20.7.10

  • Added .Net 8.0 option to XML Data Binder for C# and Visual Basic .Net
  • Added .Net 6.0+ support to XML Data Binder Viewer Nuget, so you can now generate a SampleApp UI when generating .Net 6.0/7.0/8.0 XML Data Binding code
  • Added Clone option Liquid XML Objects generated classes to perform a deep copy of an object hierarchy
  • Added option to rename Enumeration Values in Liquid XML Objects using a caddy file
  • Fixed issues with command line processing in Liquid XML Objects
  • Updated documentation for Liquid XML Objects and XML Data Binder
  • Fixed issues from user exception reports
  • General Fixes
Download a Free Trial and Free Community Version:

Friday, April 26, 2024

New Release - Liquid Studio v20.7.9

 Announcing Liquid Studio v20.7.9:

  • Added ability to set a custom banner text in Liquid XML Objects
  • Added property option in Data Mapper XML Writer to set disable-output-escaping option in XSLT
  • Fixed issues in Property Grid in Data Mapper when changing between .Net and XSLT code generation engines
  • General Fixes
Download a Free Trial and Free Community Version:

Monday, April 08, 2024

New Release - Liquid Studio v20.7.8

Announcing Liquid Studio v20.7.8:

  • Added option to provide an output filename when calling Flatten XSD from command line
  • Fixed issue not saving file when using Flatten XSD and the close option from command line
  • Fixed issue with schema validation settings getting unset after save as command
  • Fixed issues in the example JSON schema BookStore.json and data file Catalog.json
  • Fixed issues from user exception reports
  • General Fixes

Download a Free Trial and Free Community Version:

Tuesday, March 05, 2024

New Release - Liquid Studio v20.7.7

Announcing Liquid Studio v20.7.7:

  • Fixed menu, toolbar and shortcut key issues introduced in v20.7.6
  • Fixed issue with XML Grid locking up on high DPI screens
  • Fixed issue with JSON Grid locking up on high DPI screens
  • Improved error handling when is inaccessible for retrieving JSON schema
  • Fixed issue in Json Schema Editor where pasting and dragging data always serialized the data as JSON Schema Draft 4 standard instead of the appropriate version
  • Fixed issue where some ASCII files were mistakenly loaded as UTF-16 data
  • Fixed issues in XSLT and XQuery Debugger Variables Tree List
  • Fixed issues with Project Tree showing wrong status after files moved or added
  • Fixed issues with Project Tree when renaming file or folder
  • Fixed issues with Project Tree selection highlighting and scrolling
  • Fixed issues with Project Tree cursor keys expanding and collapsing items
  • General Fixes

Download a Free Trial and Free Community Version:

Monday, January 29, 2024

New Release - Liquid Studio v20.7.5

 Announcing Liquid Studio v20.7.5:

  • Fixed issues in Large File Editor find and replace
  • Fixed issues in Large File Editor undo functionality
  • Added option to write XML nil as JSON null in XML Data Binder for .Net
  • Added option to write XML nil as JSON null in Liquid XML Objects
  • General Fixes
Download a Free Trial and Free Community Version: