Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Creating a Super Schema

When generating code with Liquid XML Data Binder, you may need to include common base schemas that are used many child XML schemas.

In order to avoid having to build these base schema libraries multiple times, you can create a 'Super Schema' that includes all of the child schemas.

Please see the Liquid XML Knowledge Base:
Super Schema Knowledge Base Article

Thursday, August 22, 2013

XML Summer School

XML Summer School will be held on the 15th to 20th Septem­ber this year at St Edmund Hall, Oxford Uni­ver­sity, and we are pleased to say Liquid XML will be available for those attending.

"The XML Sum­mer School is a unique event for every­one using, design­ing or imple­ment­ing solutions using XML and related tech­no­lo­gies. The philo­sophy guid­ing the school is to help del­eg­ates learn at the bound­ary of proven tech­no­logy; teach­ing proven tech­niques guar­an­tees that del­eg­ates can use what they learn when they go back to the office."

More details can be found at